NWOFighters.org team
Thomas Gambill
Tom has spent the past twenty-seven years experience in professional and leadership roles as a military officer, government and civilian for security operations. He worked in the government contracting business for government security with experience as a physical security manager and instructor for the United States Department of State, Department of Energy, Security and Exchange Commission, Office of National Drug Policy Control, Bankers Trust of New York and ITT/Am-Pro in Camp Doha Army Base, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and OSCE in Kosovo.
He also served as a Physical Security Analyst and Security instructor for physical security operations in the federal government sector. He was assigned as the Operations and Training Manager for a multi-million dollar federal government contract in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during 1995 while American Military Advisors were being targeted by terrorist to secure their facilities and quarters. In 1999, he later obtained a position as the Regional Security Manager for the OSCE, Mission in the Eastern Region of Kosovo, and Former Republic of Yugoslavia after the bombing supervising over 100 security personnel that were mixed Albanian and Serbians working together. During this time in 2003, Tom also received his MBA with the University of Phoenix though the online study program.
In 2006, he was hired by a government contractor as a Project Manager for the Tripartite Intelligence Fusion Cell, a multi-million dollar Department of State Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa, responsible for the Administration, budgeting, logistics, and security procedures for a special government Intelligence project.
Tom is a fifth degree Black Belt in a Japanese/American style karate and has focused his studies in the martial arts primarily in Security and Police Skills, self defense and personal protection areas of the arts.
He has designed courses for women’s self defense and personal protection, programs for training parents and their children in safety awareness and self defense techniques that can be used by children against an attacker.
He also conducts security training and assessments for corporate and home security to secure the premises and occupants involving workplace violence, conflict resolution and non-violence methods of reducing aggressive behavior.
Tom Gambill received his Black Belt in May 1975, at the Appalachian Karate Academy in Boone, N.C. He attended Appalachian State University where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Psychology.
In 1975, Tom entered the United States Marine Corps as an Officer and began his career in the United States Marines where he excelled as a commander for three companies.
In 1984 Tom had the opportunity to further his martial arts training not only in the Marines but studying Isshin-Ryu under the tutelage of Master Bohan in Jacksonville, N.C. There he obtained a Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) in 1986 before leaving the Marines in 1987. His study also included Kobudo, or Okinawan weapons and Kata.
I am a born again Christian that goes strictly by the only true word of God, the King James Bible, 1611 Version only. My goal is to inform the people of this Earth about the truth concerning how this world really works.
I am but one of many that has this same objective, yet there are still too few that is willing to step out and speak up. The secret societies and current church doctrines are not in league with the true word of God as the King James Bible has warned us about from the very beginning.
Featured in the Book, “The Coming Balkan Caliphate” by Chris Deliso, 2006. Chapters 3 and 6.
Featured in the following Articles:
Europe’s New Terror Profile and the State of Play in the Balkans
by Christopher Deliso
August 8, 2005
Has the UN Let a Blacklisted Islamic Charity Roam Free in Kosovo?
by Christopher Deliso
September 15, 2005
Whistleblower: Kosovo ‘Owned’ By Albanian Mafia
Sherrie Gossett, CNSNews.com
Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2005
Finally, Invited as a Special Guest and Speaker at the SERBIAN UNITY CONGRESS 15th ANNUAL CONVENTION LAS VEGAS, NOV 11-13, 2005. Spoke about the corruption and persecution of Serbs living in Kosovo.
1. William Carr spent up to 40 years to decipher the truth of the grand conspiracy. His two books, “Pawns in the Game” and “Red Fog Over America” circa 1955 contains an amazing amount of factual information. Others are:
“The New World Order” by William T. Still;
“The Glass House Tapes” by Louis Tackwood;
“Roosevelts Communist Manifesto” by Emanuel Josephson;
“Enroute to Global Occupation” by Gary Kah;
“Fruit From a Poisonous Tree” by Melvin Stamper;
“The Plot to Seize the White House” by Jules Archer;
“World Revolution” by Nesta Webster;
“The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow” by Constance Cumbey;
“None Dare Call it A Conspiracy” by Gary Allen;
“Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler”, by Anthony Sutton;
“Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution” by Anthony Sutton;
“Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins;
“Report From Iron Mountain” by Leonard C. Lewin;
“Globalism America’s Demise” by William M. Bowen, Jr.;
“Day of Deceit” by Robert B. Stinnett;
“House of Bush House of Saud”, by Craig Unger;
“Secret Destiny of America” by Manly P. Hall;
“Changing Images of Man” by O.W. Markley and Willis W. Harman;
“Darkness Visible” by Walton Hannah;
“Witness to Jasenovac’s Hell” by lliJa Ivanovic
“War is a Racket” by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, Ret.;
“Alms for Jihad” by J. William Burr and Robert O. Collins;
“The Coming Balkan Caliphate” by Chris Deliso.
“Ride a Pale Horse” by William Cooper
Dr. Alberto Rivera: trained as an undercover agent, Jesuit Priest assigned to infiltrate and destroy Protestant churches and seminaries. He converted to Christ when he left the Roman Catholic Faith and caused shock waves among superiors in Spain and Vatican.
“The 1611 King James Bible” by God.