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The Truth about the Gulf Oil Spill,
The BP oil “spill”or “leak”in the Gulf of Mexico is a national nightmare that seems to have no end.In a recent speech, Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) said “There is oil leaking.
Not Natural Born — TRUTH MATTERS
EPIC FAIL – Obama Jokes About His Birth Place @ 2010 Correspondents Dinner
We need to stop it, and we need to stop it as soon as possible.” Ummmmm…it’s not a leak, Mr. Obama. It’s a volcanic gusher spewing out an Exxon Valdez every two to four days. This is a blow out, an explosion of oil spewing out of the earth under great pressure. In the words of Wilford Brimley in the 1981 movie Absence of Malice, “You had a leak? You call what’s goin’ on around here a leak? Boy, the last time there was a leak like this, Noah built hisself a boat.”
What is really going on in the Gulf of Mexico? I will give you the facts and let you “connect the dots.” Keep in mind the well-documented history of “false flag” events which are indicative of the “Hegelian Dialectic” (i.e., problem, reaction, solution). Click HERE for an overview of this technique as well as over 70 historical examples.
Before the Explosion
We now know (through witness testimony from Tyrone Benton) that there were cracks reported in the drill casing two weeks prior to the disaster and that it was leaking, but BP did nothing about it. (LINK)
Hours before the explosion, Deepwater Horizon installation manager Jimmy Harrell was witnessed by other rig workers screaming “Are you ****ing happy? Are you ****ing happy? The rig’s on fire! I told you this was going to happen!” (LINK)
Goldman Sachs sold 44% of their total holdings, 4,680,822 shares of BP stock in the first quarter of 2010. The investment firm earned about USD $266 million on the sale. (LINK)
Contrary to popular opinion, the Deepwater Horizon (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil rig that exploded is not the property of BP, but rather is the property of Transocean.
Both companies are financially directed by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and UBS investment bankers, all operating in the Rothschild League of banks.
BP CEO Tony Hayward sold £1.4 million worth of his BP shares weeks before the explosion. This represented 1/3 of his holdings. (LINK)
A little over one week before the explosion, Halliburton purchased an oil spill prevention company called Boots & Coots. Apparently, Halliburton also had some “psychic insight” on what was soon to come. (LINK)
Halliburton has admitted that it was involved in the “cementing” process (a process that involves plugging holes in the pipeline seal by pumping cement into it from the rig). Halliburton was forced to admit in testimony at a congressional hearing in April 2010 that it knew that the cementation jobs were likely to fail.
Just hours before the rig explosion, The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) took part in a “surprise inspection” aboard the Deepwater Horizon. In an interview, Zac Zimmerman revealed how odd this particular BLM visit really was, in light of the fact that many rigs have burned for weeks at a time without collapsing. (VIDEO)
Bureau of Land Management was doing an surprise inspection on oil rig 2 hours before it exploded!
On April 14, 2010 (6 days before the explosion), the Management Board of the Eurex Stock Exchange introduced an equity option on shares of Transocean. Get this….the equity option was effective on April 20th… the day of the explosion. Basically, this gave all the “insiders”ONE FULL DAY to dump their uninsured Transocean stock (using put options) at the highest possible price, then repurchase the same stock after it plummeted. (LINK)
The Explosion
What caused the explosion? Why would the explosion on the surface of the platform create the situation in which crews are unable to stop the oil flow from the well’s head, which is nearly a mile deep? I understand that the oil rig sunk after a horrific fire, so I guess it’s possible that the sinking platform could have somehow irreparably damaged the pipeline at the floor of the Gulf, but it seems unlikely to me, with all the safety features on these rigs and wells. (LINK)
One worker on the rig at the time of the explosion (10 PM on April 20th) reported that the lights on the platform went out just before the explosion. She was one of the 115 people who escaped the burning rig. Eleven others were not so fortunate; they remain missing and are presumed dead. (LINK)
Coincidentally, (or was it?) the oil rig exploded on Hitler’s birthday, just in time to poison Earth Day 2010.
Reaction to the Explosion
Obama(along with Department of Homeland Security) sent SWAT (“Special Weapons and Tactics”) teams to the Gulf to “inspect”the rigs and platforms. Why on earth would you deploy SWAT teams in response to an oil spill unless it was an act of terrorism, an act of war, or they if they were sent to carry out some sort of covert operation? (LINK)
COMMENT: this article might explain the confusion as to whether Obama sent SWAT to the oil rigs or a SWOT. However, either could be true for all we know.
The Oil Spill and SWOT or SWAT?
Wackenhut (aka G4S) has been hired by BP to block and/or arrest reporters who attempt to interview the workers in and around Grand Isle, LA. Wackenhut is a known CIA-front group (LINK)
and also has ties to other “shadow government” agencies. Wackenhut’s private thugs are forcing the public off public beaches. (VIDEO)
BP Oil Leak – G4S Wackenhut Security Officers Blocking Reporters Protest
Yahoo! News’ Brett Michael Dykes reported that BP paid busloads of temporary cleanup workers to show up as “stage props” for Obama’s visit to the oil spill cleanup operations on Grand Isle. Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts (whose district encompasses Grand Isle) told Dykes that BP bused in “hundreds” of temporary workers to clean up local beaches. According to Roberts, “as soon as Obama was en route back to Washington, the workers were clearing out of Grand Isle too.”(LINK)
A local Louisiana resident commented, “The cleanup crew was there for appearances only; their garbage bags were empty. When Obama left, they got on a bus and left, too.” (LINK)
BP has admitted to buying Google and Yahoo keywords in an attempt to control publicly available information about this disaster. (LINK)
The FAA has declared a “no-fly zone” in the Gulf. (LINK)
There seems to be a complete cover up and news blackout of the events as they are unfolding.(LINK) (LINK)
BP Slick Covers Dolphins and Whales
Obama has authorized the deployment of more than 17,000 National Guard members along the Gulf coast? (LINK)
What exactly are these National Guard troops going to be doing? Are the troops going to be used to help stop the oil or to control the public? Could the government be preparing for mass evacuations? (LINK) (LINK)
Obama is not using his authority to stop the damage in the Gulf, but is more concerned with passing the Cap-and-Trade bill, (LINK)
Did you notice that it’s no longer referred to as “global warming”but rather “climate change?”Have you ever wondered why? The truth of the matter is that since 1995, the earth has NOT been warming (LINK),
so they had to rename the issue. Of course, it didn’t help them when over 31,000 scientists signed a petition rejecting global warming! (LINK)
But the facts didn’t stop Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup and the other Wall Street “behemoths”from buying heavily into global warming and carbon trading. You see, these companies that made billions off of derivatives and other scams and are now getting bailed out on your dime are going to make billions from the carbon trading scam.
Why did Obama refuse the help of “thirteen entities that had offered the U.S. oil spill assistance within about two weeks of the Horizon rig explosion?” Was he more concerned about ramming through his environmental agenda? (LINK)
This is classic Agenda 21 (aka “sustainable development”), a UN program spearheaded by George H.W. Bush at the Rio Conference, where he implemented this “de facto”US policy. (LINK)
A few of the primary tools that Agenda 21 uses to implement control, steal private property, and further the eugenics agenda (VIDEO)
Agenda 21– Eugenics And Depopulation
are the global warming lies, man made water shortages, environmental disasters, and the Endangered Species Act. (LINK)
Oil, Gases, Chemicals & Dispersants
Hydrogen sulfide, benzene, and methylene chloride and other toxic gases are also spewing out (along with the oil) in concentrations 1000 times greater than what the EPA considers to be “safe” for humans.Any one of these chemicals in these concentrations would be lethal. Mixed together into a toxic soup, the oil disaster is truly unthinkable and a medical and health disaster of unfathomable proportions. When the hurricanes come they will absorb this toxic seawater and drop it as “toxic rain.” (LINK)
BP (with approval from the US government) has dumped hundreds of thousand of gallons of their toxic chemical dispersant, Corexit 9500, at their undersea wellhead and on surface waters. (LINK)
Because it is so incredibly toxic (four times more toxic than the oil and twenty times more toxic than other dispersants), the UK has completely banned Corexit 9500, since it ruptures red blood cells, causes internal bleeding, andliver & kidney damage. If there were a major oil spill in the UK’s North Sea, BP would not be able to use it, (LINK)
so why is BP being allowed to use Corexit 9500 in the Gulf of Mexico?
Corexit 9500 is produced by Illinois-based Nalco Corporation. A search of Nalco’s Web site reveals the company history, which leads right to the doorstep of Goldman Sachs! (LINK)
Yes, Goldman Sachs owns a controlling interest in Nalco (via Apollo Management). (LINK)
If you dig a little deeper you will find Nalco is also associated with Warren Buffett, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, George Soros, and Hathaway Berkshire. (LINK)(LINK)
The toxic chemicals have evaporated into the atmosphere and have condensed, falling on the plant life, farms, and the entire environment surrounding the Gulf of Mexico causing corrosive lesions on plants and killing birds. It’s raining chemicals in Louisiana & Mississippi.(VIDEO)
The residents of southern Louisiana are now experiencing a “toxic Gulf” washing ashore. (VIDEO)
The evidence is growing stronger and stronger that there is substantial damage beneath the sea floor. (LINK) (LINK)
Why is Evergreen Air (a known CIA-front company) spraying Corexit chemtrails in the Gulf by the cover of night, literally dumping toxic chemicals on people’s homes? (LINK) (LINK)
And please don’t be so naïve as to believe that the government wouldn’t allow harm to its own citizens. This is the same government that poisoned its own citizens during prohibition. (LINK)
This is the same government that used US soldiers as guinea pigs for radiation experiments and mustard gas experiments. (LINK)
This is the same government that used soldiers and civilians as “unknowing test subjects” for studying the effects of LSD on the brain. (LINK)
And this is the same government that is currently allowing plastic, silicone, and petroleum to be included in McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets. (LINK)
Why are dolphins, sharks, other marine life, and various birds fleeing the Gulf? Remember the Tsunami in the Indian ocean a few years back? The animals fled first, while the clueless people stayed behind and got clobbered by the deadly wave. Could a similar event be brewing in the Gulf? All it takes is one hurricane to turn the entire region into a toxic stew of chemical poison.(LINK)
Could the giant gas bubble and magma deposits which have been detected below the ocean floor result in a potential tsunami of biblical proportions? (VIDEO)
The First Amendment?
Shockingly, CNN reports that the US government has issued a new rule that would make it a felony crime for any journalist, reporter, blogger or photographer to approach any oil cleanup operation, equipment or vessel in the Gulf of Mexico. Anyone caught is subject to arrest, a $40,000 fine and prosecution for a federal felony crime. (LINK).
First Amendment Has been Suspended
Yes, this is happening right now in America. This isn’t a hoax.I know, it sounds more like something you might hear about in China or Venezuela or some other nation run by dictators. But now it’s happening in the USA. When those who seek truth are branded criminals by the government, it is only a matter of time before that government expands its criminalization labeling to include anyone who disagrees with it. (LINK)
The Gulf Oil Spill Too many coincidences
April 20: Deepwater Horizon explodes.
84 days later, the leak continues spewing a much debated number of gallons per day into the Gulf of Mexico (estimates range from 800,000 to 3 million gallons/day).
Speculation on the how’s, the who’s and the why’s behind this “accident” is running rampant in the media and on the internet. Yet for all the media coverage available – getting the facts on Tiger Woods’ extramarital activities or whether or not, Brittney Spears is wearing panties seems easier and the evidence is usually more conclusive. Maybe we need TMZ to cover this story instead of the mainstream media.
The official story is riddled with inconsistencies and missing details, but what is clear is that there are too many unexplained coincidences. These inconsistencies easily lend themselves to conspiracy theories that become difficult to simply dismiss.
Leading up to the accident is a list of strange events and coincidences…
Since the Obama administration took over in Jan. 2009, the Center for American Progress, led by former Clinton Chief of Staff, John Podesta, has played a major role in forming the administration’s energy policies. CAP , of course is the George Soros sponsored “progressive” think tank. In April 2009, a CAP report stated that the America has a moral obligation to spend whatever is necessary to help poorer nations deal with the effects of the “global warming” caused by industrialized nations like the U.S. They already used the EPA to declare that emissions of six key greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride “threaten the public health and welfare of the American people”. Since the inauguration the administration has been pursuing Cap & Trade, the Copenhagen Treaty and the rest of the “green agenda” with a passion. At one point the White House even appointed a known progressive revolutionary, Van Jones as their ”Green Jobs Czar”. He has since stepped down and returned to a role at CAP.
In Feb. 2009, George Soros invested $900 million in Petrobras, the state controlled oil company of Brazil. Then, as “luck” would have it (for Soros), the Obama administration decided in Aug. 2009 to loan Petrobras $2 billion for a deep water off shore drilling project off the coast of Brazil. The proposed project is in water up to 4 times deeper than the Deepwater Horizon well that exploded in the Gulf. After the well explosion, the administration immediately suspended all new drilling operations and shut down 33 other wells in the Gulf due to safety concerns with deep water drilling. I wonder if Petrobras would benefit from such a decision?
According to reports and confidential BP internal documents, the well had a variety of problems including bad wiring, a leak in the “blowout preventer” and sealing problems that may have led to the methane eruption. Some of these problems appear to have been known as early as February, two months before the accident. Additionally there were procedural and safety problems with the oil rig that may have also contributed to the explosion. BP is now also reporting undocumented tampering with well sealing equipment.
In another interesting twist, just one week before the explosion, Halliburton a major player in this saga, acquired Boots & Coots, a small but extremely experienced oil well control company. Their claim to fame was the work they did in Kuwait extinguishing and cleaning up the well fires set by retreating Iraqi troops during the first Gulf War. Was Haliburton worried about problems with the well?
As for Haliburton themselves, they admitted during the recent Congressional hearings that they had carried out a cementing operation on the Deepwater Horizon only 20 hours before the rig exploded.
Both workers and BP officials now say gases were leaking through the new cement, prior to the blast. Investigators say the leaks are probably the cause of the accident.
Coincidentally (considering all the well problems since Feb.), Goldman Sachs decided to sell 44% of its’ BP stock holdings (4,680,822 shares) during the same timeframe. The transaction was worth $266 million and helped them avoid a $96 million loss in the weeks after the explosion.
Also according to the U.K. Telegraph, BP CEO Tony Hayward sold about 33% of his BP stock in the 30 days prior to the spill. The transaction involved 223,288 shares which sold for $2.066 million. This sale helped Hayward avoid a loss of approximately $625,000. Hayward quickly used his profits to pay off his mansion in Kent. Did Goldman Sachs and Hayward know something about the troubles before the well blew up?
Then, there is the suspicious behavior of our government. To start with there was the refusal to waive the Jones Act to allow foreign ships to help with the relief efforts. There were also offers from several countries such as the Netherlands, Romania, Norway, Spain, Mexico, Canada, Sweden and Britain made a variety of offers of aid, from skimmer ships to technology. Only Canada, Mexico and Norway’s offers were accepted, the rest were either turned away or remain “under consideration”.
Additionally, the federal government has blocked and hindered the efforts of Louisiana, and the other Gulf states in taking action to protect their own coastlines. Efforts by Gov. Bobby Jindal to build sand berms to help keep the oil from washing ashore were blocked by the federal government. The Coast Guard also broke up a flotilla of barges set up to create an oil barrier.
There were also those bizarre Congressional hearings with BP and the bulk $20 billion prepayment for spill damage claims. The money was given to the federal government to administer. Who hands over that much money when they claim they haven’t completed their own internal investigation of the cause? It is worth pointing out that they (BP) like to say that BP stands for Beyond Petroleum and that they are heavily invested in many forms of alternative energy as well as a proponent of carbon credits and trading. They also were a huge contributor to Obama’s presidential campaign. Even after all the bad press and the $20 billion payout is there enough upside in Cap & Trade to make it worth staying in the President’s good graces? Remember carbon trading is an estimated $10 trillion annual business if Cap & Trade passes.
There are also other controversies such as the oil dispersants being used. The criticisms run from the EPA’s claim that they are too toxic to the fact that the ones being used are new and untested. Kevin Costner claims to have an oil/water separator system that could capture oil from the surface and return clean water to the Gulf. Since the system is untested, the EPA is concerned over environmental impact so they are moving slowly with putting the system into service. Could the environmental impact of removing the oil from the water without chemicals really be worse than doing nothing or using the questionable dispersants?
Another significant piece to this story is that most deep water wells have redundant (2) “blow out preventers” yet for some reason BP was a given a waiver to operate with only one on the Deepwater Horizon well, even though it is a very deep well. The waiver was granted last year by the U.S. Minerals Management Service. Why? Do campaign contributions buy waivers? Just asking.
Need more? The FAA declares area over the spill a no-fly zone. Obviously they want to keep unnecessary aircraft out of the area (media helicopters, for sure) but are they hiding something else? There is speculation in the oil and gas industry trade publications that this disaster is far from over and things have the potential to get a lot worse. Some experts believe that BP has tapped into a massive oil field that is covered by a large methane gas bubble capable of creating pressure at the well head of 100,000 psi which is 100 times what the equipment is designed to deal with. This has the potential to create an underwater oil volcano which could wreak havoc on the surrounding area by generating tidal waves and clouds of toxic gas. Is there imminent danger that the government is not telling us about? A cover up?
Check out this article from Petroleum World, titled “The Well from Hell”:
Over the past several years we have seen the formation of the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), which is funded by a variety of organizations, many of which have ties to the administration, pushing the “green agenda” of Cap & Trade. We have watched Al Gore (by the way a major investor in CCX) turn climate change into a full fledged industry. We have watched the U.N., the world’s elite and environmental extremists turn “climate change” into a radical movement bent on reshaping the global energy structure and redistribution of wealth. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that as a carbon credits trading operation, CCX will have the potential to make its’ investors very rich (some estimate $10 trillion annually) if Cap & Trade passes. So the question is -Is this about saving the planet or greed? Is the real green agenda more cash for the elite?
Will there soon be a cry from the Progressive Congressional Caucus calling for the nationalization of the oil industry? In the past, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D) CA., a socialist moonbat, has called for nationalizing the oil companies, as have left leaning commentators such as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. What’s even worse is that many Democrat voters actually believe this might be a good idea. Surely the answer to our problems is the government not greedy businesses like BP, right? Funny though how political donations from the evil corporations are still accepted by our saviors! I guess when you are saving the world no money is too dirty.
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel
So ask yourself – what’s really going on here? Is the accident in the Gulf a “crisis” of opportunity for the administration to push through Cap & Trade? Is there a dragging of feet to get this thing capped to make the point that fossil fuels are unsafe? Remember according to Carol Browner the administration is in charge and calling all the shots in the Gulf, so no excuses right? It can’t be lost on most rational people that there are many glaring inconsistencies in this story and its’ relevant subplots. What is the real root cause; greed, incompetence, coincidences or conspiracy? My hunch is some of each but regardless this feels like another crossroads. Will this “accident” fuel more fundamental transformation of our country and our way of life? Will it be an excuse to further destroy our economy by becoming the catalyst for Cap & Trade?
Wake up, America! Ask questions and demand answers! Time is running out…
Restore the Republic, before it’s too late.
Warnings from the Founding Fathers:
“If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” – Samuel Adams
“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.” – Daniel Webster…/
Oil Spill a Catastrophe of Monumental Proportions: Is It Sabotage?